cherry_bomb (MYGNR) Today, 01:07 PM WARNING - LOOOONG REVIEW! right, so as a few of you know i had vip tickets. dont ask me how, and dont make crude suggestions. truth is a certain member of the band is an utter gentleman. right - so i get there about 6, que till about 8 to get passes n shit. so many people gathered outside the venue, a good atmosphere. i didnt have all access so i didnt get backstage, from what i saw that was pretty purely family and friends plus axls many many many line of women! never seen so many women around one man.... the show was great - except the crowd weren't. we had a really drunk twat next to us who was huge and was being really aggressive, but NO the security wouldnt do anything about it - times like that u need axl to eject the fucker! plus the crowd were very quiet, well in my area they were - no one was really going crazy. completely alters the mood. but the band were, as always, excellent. i really cant fault them. personal highlight was izzy and axl singing 'we are sailing' , sounded really beautiful and quite a reflective emotional song - seeing those two singing it together was quite something. one of the best songs was the blues, the best ive seen them do it yet. ok so i'll go straight for the best bit. the after show party & the acoustic show right, so i had an invitation to a club in soho to an after show party, i didnt really expect the band to be there, thought it might be just a place to shove the vip's. it took us soooo long to get there. so we get there finally and people are like is this it? because there was a that prick jeff brazier (married to jade goody) outside so we thought hey theyre letting all riff raff in! then i saw vanesse outside, (beta's daughter) so i realised axl was probably there...and low and behold, he was. the club was packed - axl was in a corner surrounded by women (as usual ) and was guarded by security. plus i bought 2 drinks and it cost 20, fuck that! anyways i asked vanessa where abouts the rest of the band were, she saw my pass and told me to go to cuckoos on ssssssomething street (cant remember). so we leg it down there. the que was quite big - two different ones. one for the vip's (including competition winners), and the other for what it looked like axls guests. there was a red carpet and rope, fancy. paparazi too, waiting for the man himself. so we que up for around 45 mins, people getting turned away left right and center. notlooking hopefull, i get to the front and this bouncer tells us we dont have the adequate passes. fuck that i thought, ive been put on the guest list personally by a band member, so i waited around. the band arrived minus axl - they look pretty dopey! esp robin. then a blacked out people carrier arives, out jumps diane o'connor (i really dont know about that situation...he sure looks like he;s playing the field) and axl pops out, is really happy and smiley, has photos taken shakes a few hands then goes inside the club. we're like shit, gotta get in there. then another guy is on the door (beta's son im sure of it) and i basically just tell him i need to go in, flash my passes and manage to get myself and 5 other people in (all had passes). WELL where are we....yes. so the room which they are to play in is TINY, so so small, its already like an oven in there, people dancing on tables, the band are already set up in the sofas andmake shift stage. so myself and my friend get our way to the front. and on walks axl! he is in a good mood, a fucking great mood. dancing, laughing, everything (pretty sure he was wasted). im not sure, i think they opened to mr brownstone and it sounded incredible!! really amazing. ive never seen axl so at ease, comfortable, happy and damn right compelling to watch. plus i literally stuck my arm out and i could touch him! he was right at the front, letting people grab him, shake hands etc. he even took someone's joint out of the crowd and had a couple of drags was really funny. some girl had a cowboy hat on too which he took a lot. he talked about how people dismiss the band, saying something like "to all the people who think this isnt guns n roses FUCK YOU!" massive applause, tommy mentions he has been in the band for 8 years now. the band clearly love axl - robin was always laughing with him, band lookin at each other if axl did something funny and laughing! was just such a casual atmosphere. best songs - KOHD, he got everyone to sing a long. also paradise city - which they closed too, was amazing acoustic!! axl says his usual "london..good fuckin night!" screaming as if he's in a fucking arena! after the set, the band (who were quite subdued) packed up, robin got his guitar case and just walked out by himself. i met tommy afterwards, greatest person ever - genuine, kind, sweet. coulnt see where te rest went...oh but jackamo eat your heart out, i met mr pitman himself! that dude is crazy! he walked out by himself (not v crowded at this point) i was like "CHRIS! legend!" he was so cool, he took my hand, kissed it,...a lot, tried to speak to me in french, i asked for a photo but he said he doesnt do photos! LOL. he left...he did accidently grab my friends boob! i now christen thee chris titman. nice guy tho, really funny. everyone was dancing and drinking at this point (about 6am) and i see bach next to me! so i walk over to him, before i get the chance to say anything he grabs my waist, pulls me towards him and says "oh my god...who are you and where did you come from?! you are so beautiful! your face is so beautiful!" so i was pretty flabbergasted by that,,,..didnt know what to say to be honest! so i thanked him, told him i appreciated it considering i was drenched in sweat and beer. he was hilarious tho, when he talks he just sings!! he was screaming at me! so i got a photo, said my piece and left. what a fucking legend! basically it was just an amazing show which i felt very privalidged and beyond grateful to be a part of, you really felt like you were witnessing something earth shatteringly amazing. --------------------